If you are generally aligned with the values expressed in the UCP/A Community of Practice Common Statement (English | Spanish | French), complete this form to become a member of the UCP/A Community of Practice and join our UCP/A Global E-Group. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This is an email distribution list for practitioners, partners, academics, students, policy makers, funders, etc. who have an interest in supporting and promoting the practice of Unarmed Civilian Protection and Accompaniment and are generally aligned with the concepts and values identified in the UCP/A Community of Practice Common Statement - English | Spanish | French

  • Having subscribed to the group, you will receive:
    *UCP/A Quarterly Newsletter
    *Weekly updates, including UCP/A resources, key announcements from the Community of Practice, and training opportunities
    *Invitations to online meetings/consultations

  • The purpose of this group is to bring together, support and expand the global Unarmed Civilian Protection/Accompaniment community.

    To ensure the best experience, we have established some basic guidelines for participation in this email distribution list.

    Use this list for intended activities such as:

    *Posting job announcements

    *Publicizing research opportunities

    *Seeking support for urgent needs

    *Sharing evaluations, articles, publications, challenges, funding resources, etc.

    *Sharing invitations and explorations for possible new UCP/A initiatives, programmes, discussion, etc.

    Only use “reply all” when your message is intended for the entire Community. If your response is only for the author, reply directly to her/him/them.

    If you want to engage in a discussion with a sub-set of the E-Group, contact Kristina Preiksaityte (kpreiksaityte@nonviolentpeaceforce.org), and she will engage with the other moderators to discuss your request for a special E-Group list for your discussion.

  • The E-Group is overseen by moderators to ensure email security: protect personal information, including contact details; preserve confidentiality, ensure the privacy of sensitive information being transmitted; detect and block malicious content. If you notice malicious content, please reach out to one of the the group moderators.

  • If you wish to unsubscribe from the E-Group, send an email to one of the group moderators.

    Eliane Lakam (el755@georgetown.edu),

    Jan Passion (jpassion1@gmail.com)

    Marcellina Priad (mpriadi@nonviolentpeaceforce.org)

  • Use any one of the emails listed below to communicate with an E-Group moderator.

    Eliane Lakam (el755@georgetown.edu)

    Jan Passion (jpassion1@gmail.com)

    Huibert Oldenhuis (holdenhuis@nonviolentpeaceforce.org)